Writing the library to disk

One important thing to keep in mind is that, unless explicitely asked, tammy will not write the contents of the records to the disk. Actually, tammy will never manipulate the library as a whole, only apply actions to the different records.

There are two ways to write something to disk.

Exporting the library

The library class has an export method, that allows you to export either the entire content of the library, or only some keys, to the disk.:


Without any arguments, this will write a default.json file to the path specificied in the export_dir configuration option. Available options are keys (a list of keys to export), path (where the exported file will be), and output. Output can be one of the values in tammy.IO.serializers, and defaults to citeproc-json.

Despite its simplicity, this function is all you need to export a file with your references. If you want all citations published in Nature in a citeproc-yaml file in your ~/Dropbox folder, then this is:

keys = [k for k, v in my_lib.records.items() if 'container-title' in v.content and v['container-title'].lower() == 'nature']
my_lib.export(keys=keys, path="~/Dropbox", output="citeproc-yaml")

As long as you have some familiarity with the citeproc format, selecting the keys you want is relatively easy.